A Year Without Travel

by Shanta

“Oh NO, Oh NO, Oh NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!”
This is the 2020 TikTok tune that sticks in my head as I think about having a year with no travel and confined to the house due to being considered “high risk” because I am immunocompromised. You all know this story… having to wear masks, businesses shutting down, working virtually from home, and, not to mention, shortages of toilet paper. Exactly one year since my last trip, I sit and reflect how blessed my family and I are to be covid-19 free and relatively healthy. However, my mind always wanders back to traveling.

No one could have ever told me that Leap Day 2020 would be my last trip until, what it seems like, Leap Day 2024!  I know there are many other things that warrant my time and attention, but, if you know me, you know traveling is a passion and not much can keep me from it; not even my illness.  I cannot help but think about how my future trip planning has been put on hold indefinitely.  I truly miss the experiences, the adventures, the food, the culture, and the sights of travel.  My husband, Keith, and I did consider taking road trips to quench our thirst, but, ultimately, decided against it.  Instead, we took this time to focus on finding other things to keep us busy until we feel it is safe to travel again.

Health & Wellness: I began learning about gardening and focusing on getting my health back on track by attempting to grow my own food (I have not been very successful. Maybe I will try again this spring.)  In February, I cut off about 12 inches of my hair because it was thinning so badly due to my illness and medications. So, I did some reading about a more natural holistic approach to getting it back healthy.  I researched making my own hair products and created ayurvedic oils and rice water rinses.  I also incorporated authentic African Shae Butter that I got from my past trip to Ghana to make body butters.  Almost one year later, my hair has grown about 4 inches and has really thickened up nicely!  This month, I am dedicated to building muscle and starting back on a consistent workout routine. Sometimes, I am so achy that I don’t feel like moving, but I need to stop making excuses and just do the work. I know this will help my overall health. I keep telling myself, “if you are not healthy, you cannot travel!” So, as of March 1, 2021, this will be my focus.

Finances: One goal my husband had was to learn about the stock market. As we searched “YouTube University,” we stumbled across “The Come Up Series.” We met a couple of Angels named Mark Monroe and Jolyn GC who started a movement to teach our culture how to create generational wealth trading Options. They ask for no money and the only thing they do ask in return is that we do the work (study/execute) and extend a hand to help others in the process.  Learning and applying this knowledge has become very consuming, but I absolutely love every bit of it.  The love in this community of traders, the desire to leave no “cousin” behind is phenomenal and I cannot wait for the day to formally meet all my “Come Up Cousins!”  Since entering the stock market, we have been really DREAMING BIG and are in awe at the thought of actually building generational wealth for our families. Trading will play a significant role as it will allow us to retire early and continue to see the world without limitations.

Home Improvements: We have been wanting to move for quite some years now, so, we have been searching for the perfect property that suits our family’s needs.  Before we make the big move, we have been making numerous repairs to our current home just in case we decide to rent or sell.  This should keep us busy well into 2021.

Self-Care: It is important to take some time to yourself. Being we are empty nesters, we do this part very well. All 5 of our children are functioning adults and out of the house. Getting out has been limited. Hair and nail appointments are nonexistent. Sometimes being able to do absolutely nothing in a day is refreshing.  More self care will continue in 2021 as I dream of relaxing on a beach in Bali with a good book to read. Bali is our next big trip when we feel safe enough to go.

Personal Interest: Introducing Suitcase Race! During this travel hiatus, we looked at past travel photos and videos and decided to share our experiences with the world. In doing so, we hope to teach others how we travel using points as well as money saving strategies using credit cards.  This has taken longer than expected to fully launch, but the day has finally come!  We cannot wait to create even more content, use YouTube and use other social media outlets to help others fulfil their passion or desire to travel and help make that a reality.  So, I urge you to become a “Suitcase Racer” and follow us @suitcaserace on every social media platform.

While I do realize that during these troubling times many people are struggling with getting by day-to-day and trying to keep their basic needs met, I do not take that for granted. I thank God every day, pray for others and help where I can. I would like to think we are all doing our part distancing, wearing masks, getting vaccines, helping those who can’t help themselves and doing our part to, not only help our on situation but also help others. It is definitely going better than it has the past year, but the travel part of me is selfish and can’t wait to travel and see this beautiful world again.  I love when God shows off and paints a masterpiece in the sky just for me to snap a photo and etch it in my memory forever! Until then, keep busy, stay healthy, love on one another and let the planning begin!

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Suzanna Sanchez May 29, 2021 - 7:09 am

Awesome read! Now to go subscribe on all your platforms. I would love to travel and this will serve me as my inspiration!

Keith May 29, 2021 - 3:29 pm

Suzanna, stick with us. We will continue to add more articles, guides and posts to help you make traveling easy. Thank you for visiting.

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